Akka Actors vs Streams for Rest APIs
A comparison of use cases for Spray IO (on Akka Actors) and Akka Http (on Akka Streams) for creating rest APIs
A comparison of use cases for Spray IO (on Akka Actors) and Akka Http (on Akka Streams) for creating rest APIs
Finding the most common value in parallel across nodes, and having that as an aggregate function.
Understanding how Spark runs on JVMs and how the memory is managed in each JVM.
This post is about de-duplication of data while loading to tables using HashSet based indexes in Apache Spark.
General Exception Handling
A module written in Scala for Apache Spark v2.0.0 to batch process mapping of Geo Locations in two skewed data sets. Link to code: https://github.com/anish74...
Finding the most common value in parallel across nodes, and having that as an aggregate function.
Understanding how Spark runs on JVMs and how the memory is managed in each JVM.
This post is about de-duplication of data while loading to tables using HashSet based indexes in Apache Spark.
General Exception Handling
A module written in Scala for Apache Spark v2.0.0 to batch process mapping of Geo Locations in two skewed data sets. Link to code: https://github.com/anish74...
This post is about de-duplication of data while loading to tables using HashSet based indexes in Apache Spark.
A module written in Scala for Apache Spark v2.0.0 to batch process mapping of Geo Locations in two skewed data sets. Link to code: https://github.com/anish74...
This post is about de-duplication of data while loading to tables using HashSet based indexes in Apache Spark.
A module written in Scala for Apache Spark v2.0.0 to batch process mapping of Geo Locations in two skewed data sets. Link to code: https://github.com/anish74...
A follow up post about specifying window frames to SQL analytical functions. This assumes you have already read my previous post where I described the use of...
For a long time I had faced a lot of problems while working with data bases and SQL where in order to get a better understanding of the available data, simpl...
A follow up post about specifying window frames to SQL analytical functions. This assumes you have already read my previous post where I described the use of...
For a long time I had faced a lot of problems while working with data bases and SQL where in order to get a better understanding of the available data, simpl...
A follow up post about specifying window frames to SQL analytical functions. This assumes you have already read my previous post where I described the use of...
For a long time I had faced a lot of problems while working with data bases and SQL where in order to get a better understanding of the available data, simpl...
A follow up post about specifying window frames to SQL analytical functions. This assumes you have already read my previous post where I described the use of...
For a long time I had faced a lot of problems while working with data bases and SQL where in order to get a better understanding of the available data, simpl...
Using AWS S3 as a Big Data Lake and its alternatives
Understanding how Spark runs on JVMs and how the memory is managed in each JVM.
Using AWS S3 as a Big Data Lake and its alternatives
Understanding how Spark runs on JVMs and how the memory is managed in each JVM.
A module written in Scala for Apache Spark v2.0.0 to batch process mapping of Geo Locations in two skewed data sets. Link to code: https://github.com/anish74...
A module written in Scala for Apache Spark v2.0.0 to batch process mapping of Geo Locations in two skewed data sets. Link to code: https://github.com/anish74...
General Exception Handling
General Exception Handling
General Exception Handling
This post is about de-duplication of data while loading to tables using HashSet based indexes in Apache Spark.
This post is about de-duplication of data while loading to tables using HashSet based indexes in Apache Spark.
Understanding how Spark runs on JVMs and how the memory is managed in each JVM.
Understanding how Spark runs on JVMs and how the memory is managed in each JVM.
Finding the most common value in parallel across nodes, and having that as an aggregate function.
Finding the most common value in parallel across nodes, and having that as an aggregate function.
Finding the most common value in parallel across nodes, and having that as an aggregate function.
A comparison of use cases for Spray IO (on Akka Actors) and Akka Http (on Akka Streams) for creating rest APIs
A comparison of use cases for Spray IO (on Akka Actors) and Akka Http (on Akka Streams) for creating rest APIs
A comparison of use cases for Spray IO (on Akka Actors) and Akka Http (on Akka Streams) for creating rest APIs
A comparison of use cases for Spray IO (on Akka Actors) and Akka Http (on Akka Streams) for creating rest APIs
A comparison of use cases for Spray IO (on Akka Actors) and Akka Http (on Akka Streams) for creating rest APIs
Using AWS S3 as a Big Data Lake and its alternatives
Using AWS S3 as a Big Data Lake and its alternatives
Using AWS S3 as a Big Data Lake and its alternatives
Using AWS S3 as a Big Data Lake and its alternatives
Using AWS S3 as a Big Data Lake and its alternatives
Using AWS S3 as a Big Data Lake and its alternatives
Using AWS S3 as a Big Data Lake and its alternatives